Pro Day in Eugene and Bucket List items in LA.

The last phase of the draft prep process ended with my Pro Day out in Eugene. It felt great to be back in Oregon for a couple of weeks working with my guys one last time. I felt like we did everything we could to finish this process on a high note and show people what they needed to see. It’s been a busy time meeting with and working out for coaches and GMs and making visits with different NFL teams. The travel has been pretty intense, flying around the country to meet with front office personnel, but it’s really a dream come true to be in the room with so many of the top minds in the game talking football. Sometimes I’ve kind of had to pinch myself that I get the chance to have conversations and talk the game with coaches I’ve looked up to since I was a kid. I’ve loved every minute. 

Being back in Oregon has also been a chance for me and Izzy to say our goodbyes, get packed up and visit some of our favorite spots before we head out. Of course it’s just a temporary goodbye, will definitely be back. Eugene will always feel like home.

Another part of this process that’s interesting as you get ready for the draft is all the opportunities with sponsors and media. I feel fortunate to have some great NFL brands like USAA and Old Spice that I’m now working with and it’s been cool to talk to some of the media personalities I’ve followed for a while. One of the highlights was a trip that Izzy and I got to take to LA where I had a chance to be on Colin Cowherd’s show and attend my first Lakers game in person. I checked an item off the bucket list when I met LeBron James and saw him play live. I also had my first Sports Illustrated cover which was really cool.

Of course, keeping the main thing the main thing. It's hard for me to take a day off, every day is a chance to get better and that’s what I’m trying to do.

Only a few more weeks till the Draft. Can’t believe it’s almost here!


Hello from Mobile and the beginning of Draft Prep.